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LuxembourgAmbassador to China,Paul Steinmetz Visited HNCA

Release date:2016.10.17   Source:

On 14th, October, LuxembourgAmbassador to China, Paul Steinmetz visited HNCA, along with Eric Erbacher, Senior Manager ofCargolux. Chairman of HNCA,Zhang Mingchao held a meeting with Mr. Steinmetz.

Zhang Mingchaointroduced the cooperation between HNCA and Cargolux to Mr.Steinmetz and expressed the willingness to open the Zhengzhou-Luxembourg route for passengerin order to promote the tourism, trade and cultural exchange.

Steinmetz spoke highly of the role which HNCA played in promoting the cooperation between Henan Province and Luxembourg. He also discussed the Zhengzhou-Luxembourg passenger route, flight consular issues with Zhang, hoping to open the passenger route at proper time.

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